Things Unheard Of
Film adı/Name :
Things Unheard Of
Süresi/Duration :
Türü/Genre :
Kurmaca / Fiction
Konusu/Synopsis :
Küçük bir Kürt kızı, dünyaya açılan tek penceresi olan televizyonunun ortadan kaybolmasının ardından büyükannesinin yüzünü yeniden gülümsetmeye çalışıyor.
A little Kurdish girl tries to put a smile back on her grandmother’s face after the disappearance of her television, her only window in to the world.
Gösterimler / Screenings :
Yönetmen /Director :
Ramazan Kılıç who was born in Ağrı, East of Turkey 1993 studied Cinema-Tv, and Literature at İstanbul Şehir University in Istanbul. His latest film “The School Bus” competed in many prestigious film festivals. Including, Clermont-Ferrand, Leeds, PÖFF Shorts, Odense, Palm Springs, Indy Shorts, and Bogoshorts. And, he was involved as a producer for The Moisture which will have its World Premiere at 79th Venice International Film Festival in the OrizzontiNShort Film Competition. His latest film Things Unheard Of won the Special Jury Mentionaward at Clermont-Ferrand 2023.