Haklı Mücadele / My Struggle

Film adı/Name : 

Haklı Mücadele / My Struggle

Türü/Genre : 

Kurmaca / Fiction

Konusu/Synopsis : 

Uzun ve zor bir mücadele ama yolun kendisi gerçekten çok çiçekli.” 

Tek başına başlayıp kalabalıkların davasına dönüşen bir mücadele hikayesi. “Haklı Mücadele” belgeseli, stajyer avukatlık yaparken cinsel saldırıya uğrayan hukuk öğrencisi Arzu S. Topuz’un patronuna karşı verdiği adalet mücadelesini anlatıyor.

“It’s a long and difficult struggle, but the road itself is really very flowery.”

A story of struggle that starts alone and turns into the cause of the crowds. The “My Struggle” documentary tells the story of law student Arzu S. Topuz, who was sexually assaulted during her career as a trainee lawyer, and her struggle for justice against her boss.

Yönetmen/Director :

Nebiye Arı is a documentary director and screenwriter of Turkish origin. Continuing her work based in Istanbul, Arı focuses on sensitive social issues such as Islam and feminism in Turkey. Her documentary, Hem Müslüman Hem Feminist, which she completed in 2020, focuses on the stories of Muslim feminists in Turkey, addressing the rise of Islamic feminism and the difficulties these women face. This documentary has been screened at prestigious festivals such as the 40th Istanbul Film Festival, the 4th International Women Directors Festival, and the 24th Uçan Süpürge International Women’s Film Festival.